Saturday, February 7, 2009

Email War with Give A Dog A Second Chance

My sister and I find it difficult to read her emails, but get the main point of them:

M=Melita N=Natalie

M:This is melita i told you that theses pups were brought her from a family in Newcastle any way the other pups are still here and fine and if you paid 15000 from breeds dogs/pups can get sick what is your point to all this? why are you starting problems ?what are you trying to gain ..I said I'm sorry but i did not do it..And the pups are fine ...if you have something to say
say it to me and also you did not have to take the pups ..

N:So I am replying to your message below, that you sent in response to what my sister wrote on Craigslist: since you would like to settle this privately:

First of all, I am not personally trying to gain anything. The only thing I am concerned about is the well being of my new puppies and any previous/future puppies you have adopted/will adopt out. This whole parvo situation with the two pups you adopted to me caused my family and I a lot of distress, time and money!
I do blame myself for one thing, and that is not doing enough research before adopting a dog. Now, in hindsight, I wish I had gotten more information and asked more questions. What worries me is that your story for everything surrounding the adoption keeps on changing. First they were "rescued" from Collingwood, then you say Newcastle. Sorry, but those towns are in two totally different locations! Then you say the family lived on a farm couldn't care for them any longer, then the story turns into they were given to the family as a gift and they didn't want them.
There are a couple of things I would like to ask of you...and if you are truly a legitimate adoption centre you won't mind me asking and will understand.
1. a copy of the record of vaccination from the vet you took the pups to.
2. the reference of the family that you rescued them from.

Do you take all of your animals to the vet for assessment prior to you adopting them out?? Being such an animal lover, I am sure that you would understand why I did not return the pups to you when they fell ill.....As an owner you bond with them and form a quick attachment. Therefore, all you want is what is in the best interest of the pet. They were very ill and needed immediate medical attention, and returning them to you would only waste precious time. As you know, puppies can make a turn for the very worst in a matter of a couple of hours. Plus, what difference would it have made?? I spend the money myself for medical care, or return them to you, get a refund, but then pay all the bills later on??

The last things I would also like to point out. You dated the contract wrong. You dated it the 28th of Dec when it was actually the 29th. Since that is a legal document you should be more careful with the information on it, especially if you have done this for the past 10 years.

p.s. You say that you do not breed any of your animals, however, on the phone with me yesterday you indicated that you breed your boxer?? Another conflicting story.

M:Hi well first of all there is really nothing to settle you were on the phone with me yesterday why not ask me this took the dog to the vet when they were sick and they are fine now I'm sorry for this ..but this again is not my far as the place goes what would i say colling wood i have never been there gulf ?maybe ,but the pups came from a home i did not even meet them one of the volunteers pick them up and we don't give out people info..and second of all .you and your family was all there when i gave them there needles so you knew there was no vet, that is why you have ten day health assurance.,.which you did not call me on ..I told you if the pups got sick i gave you the vet card and told you i would meet you there you did not call me till after they were home Which i Am glad they are.. my dogs are my business and if i breed them they don't go through rescue and both of them are fixed and yes if i decided to breed my last boxer that is my personal business.not yours and why are you listing to my phone calls any way??and the other pups that were here were from they owners ..then your pups was from a owner too. then the black once were from the barn look at the pic they are all different pups..and again if you were not happy you should have not adopted no body force you and I do go tot he vet most of the time ,not this time my driver broke her arm so i have been doing them my self which you saw and the contract is legal anything else is what i have been told .. there birthday so on..what they told my driver..Dog come from all over all ages i can only tell you what i know and same with you if someone gave away the puppies free and they told you the story you just have to accept i do i don't really care about the story i care about the dog and cats i take in and there is nothing wrong with my home or animals and not even a vet could have told you the pups were sick they would have told you as i did careful things can come out ..and if you were uneasy about rescue me or any then you should have spent 1000 on ckc dogs and if they got sick which they do to then what ..i just saw a guy a the vets this weeks passed, bought to pure breed boxer payed for 2 boxer from a breede r2,500 and they both died this week from Provo guess what he got far as the date that is fine change it okany thing else feel free to ask..

N:I spoke to you yesteday, but I would rather correspond through email now. As I mentioned before, the story always changes when you are talking. Why would Collingwood come off the top of you head then?? Now the location changes to Newcastle?? They are two very different sounding names. You basically insinuate things which is just as bad as lying about them. You mentioned a vet, gave me a card AND indicated that they had their vaccinations. We did witness you giving the deworming injection, but not leptospira canicola, grippotyphosa etc one. I am assuming you gave them that, since you are saying you couldn't take them to the vet.

Whether you breed or not may not be my business, but then don't keep on changing your mind on that issue either! You wrote on here that you don't breed, but you told me you do breed your boxers on the phone yesterday. As in the present tense, not in the past as you claim! Another conflict of information. In the best case scenerio, even if everything you said was true, you are not that believable. This is due to the fact that you keep on telling different versions of events, indicating that you are not credible.

p.s You indicated that these two male pups had brothers and sisters, and told me that you spoke to a couple of their owners and they were healthy. Why were these two the only ones there if you picked them up that night? Wouldn't the whole litter be there?

M:Well all i can say is i don't know why you though that , and there is not a shots for deworming that i know of, they was there parvo distemper /lepto shots so if you were so concerned that i am changing the story thing ,all the time i have no idea what you are talking about? you know what I' was doing you ?
where are going with this? and you can feel any way you like call around ask the shelter where there pups come from I doubt they would know and again you were not listening not my fault i told you all this is my vet if there is a problem with the pups and you did not call me.. not much i could do to help i have been around many years and there IS a handful of people like you, things happen and instead of dealing with it you are looking to blame ,that is great but what will you gain from that ??take care of your dogs and be happy they are loved and continue to do good by them.. not much more i can say ,You need to listen better no story changed at all i said i did not breed those dog which i did not ..and when we had puppies over the year with rescue dogs they people always meet the mother if we have them,MY boxer are my business.. look on happy tails you will see mom and puppies if we have them ..any thing else read your contract my vets see how many dogs i have saved call pet smart was there fro three years and would still be there is i did my taxes and i have many reference again I'm sorry about the pups but no harm was done to them here.. ..not those two
thesy did have brother and siter but the owners palced them i was talking about the black pups.not them..that i spoke too..

N:Another change of the facts! You said YOU adopted out the brother...not the owners. You spoke to the owners of the three labs as well to make sure they are okay??

M:No i did not why would i say that when i did not have the brother they were the last of the litter..and if for some reason i did maybe I'm confused them with the black pups ,but i drought it.because believe me if i had the brother i would have called them i adopted the other brother out the black pups..theses were the only two.. maybe you heard wrong while listing to my phone conversion..i never had the brother just those two....they came together..ANYTHING ELSE.......

N:Oh and you should care where the dogs come from. You should be notifying whomever this is that the dogs came sick if you are sure they didn't get sick at your place. Plus, you should be notifiying all of the other owners of dogs you have adopted out about this situation for their safety. I also recommend that you give future people an adoption paper stating age, mix, history etc so that you can't claim that THEY are not taking in the information properly. That would also save you from being accused that you are not legitimate. It seems like you are used to this, which is probably not a good sign.

M:OK well I'm not worried and it is not my business if they tell me nothing that is fine you want facks go to a breeder they will tell you a story they are rescue dog not for sale with info once again i only care for finding them homes and help them cont happy liefs,you can say and think what ever you like I'm done with this foolishness,,Ijust take in care for them till they fined they next for ever home..

N:Actually, as you may recall there were four of us there. Pretty hard for three other people to get the same information wrong!

M:ya that is why i dont know why you were not listening i said i have to give them there shots and herr is what they hard was that??for all four of you..

N:I know why all four of us thought the vet gave the parvo/distemper. You wrote down what they got and attached a vets card to your contract. You never said you personally gave the shot. We only witnessed you giving the drontal shot right in front of us, and you showed us the bottle. I have looked it up online to confirm that it is a broad spectrum dewormer. Plus, there is no getting around that this is what you gave, as you wrote it on the piece of paper you gave me to show their needle history. The dewormer I could understand giving, but are you supposed to be giving your own parvo/distemper shots?? What if one of the puppies ever had a severe allergic reaction?? What would you do then?

"Hi these cuties are up to date on shots and been dewormed twice they are 9 weeks old". This is straight off the petfinder ad. Dewormed twice?? You only said the one time, and you indicated they are 7 weeks, not 9 weeks. I am only hoping that you legitimately gave them their parvo/distemper etc shots. The vial serial stickers are on the paper you gave me, but that is all I can go by. I wonder if I should do a parvo titer test on them at the vets to make sure they are up to date. The last thing I want is for them to get sick again. The poor pups have been sick enough already. Interesting how you say your driver was fine enough to pick up the pups the night before. You never mentioned anything about the driver's arm being broken and having to do the boosters yourself. Why would you not do your taxes?? That just decreases your credibility as well as a rescue organization. I am sure any other place would be keeping on top of this.
M:well if I'm a so call rescue then why did you come? why did you adopted? and why did you not return the puppy, when it got sick for a refund till i treated it ..i have been around 10 years and i so tired of people who always have some thing to say because there puppy was sick so if you bought from pet store or bought from breed then what??I don't make them sick my house is older because i have dogs and once again no one forced you ..I'm a sorry But sickness happen everywhere and why are my other puppies OK ?why because you are up set i get it but this is a sad way to deal with your up set.. .IF i breed them i can understand BUT i do not..So stop trashing me ..thank you i have save many of lives and some we save some we don't but that is what a rescuer does no one can predict the future not even the vet check up one day fine next day sick??puppies are like children they get sick easily...try walking in my shoes it is sad what people do to there animals not i,Ii just try to give them a new life with some good family that will fix them...and care for them.Have a Nice Day.....

ya well
the dog all get there needles form me or the vet so what ever is your problem i don't know get over it..

and breeder giver there dog shots Farmer give there dogs shots and dog trainer that are bred do it shelter do it Once again what is your problem ??i have ner owned shot dewormed probably to expensive and i m don't this shit with you what EXCATLEY DO YOU WANT FROM ME>>>>and once again i told you i had the give them there needles if you were uncertinm should have ask ..

N:So you are saying you never gave the drontal injection when we picked them up??? You wrote drontal on the sheet.....Just trying to clarify this

M: not shots no, the liquid form for puppies ..ask your vet..they have there shots and deworming for puppies by Drontal....Thank you..

M:well they were hear and left everything is fine as i said it was have a great day and do not bother me again..people like you whatever..(referring to the SPCA unannounced visit)

So on January 12th I ask Melita to reimburse me some of the costs and this is the response I get:

M:LISTEN if i heard any more crap from you i will have you charged with slander by the police i have all your info just remember that ..myself and my lawyer will be notifying you and i will remove those puppies because you are of course it seems not stable home that seems to be my biggest mistake read your contract if i feel the pups are unsafe which I am beging too. get over it .all ready the animal service cleared me other pups and animal are fine now if i hear any more from rescue with you talking your crap i will take further action Your pups are fine too enjoy them or give them back..

N:Hmmm...that e". I have done above and beyond that with them being sick and forking out thousands of dollars for vet bills for their safety!

Sent January 20th when her friend tried to defend her via email:

M:yes all this lady is mad about is her money and they were scared because i had them less then 24 hours and windows boarded up news to me and no water give me a fucken break..

N:We could list 20 other things that are not right with the way you do operations. There seems to be a lot of people around that would agree as well. Money isn't the only thing that matters in this situation. Obviously that's not what I am upset about the most, considering I did fork out $3000 in vet bills for the pups. I wonder what would have happened if I had returned them to you and said I want my money back?? You are telling me that you would have forked out all of the money for this?? If you really cared about the puppies you would have said "You know what I'll give you most of the $500 back to help with their care". However, you are obviously in it for the money, so why would you have done it? Where is all of the money going to? $350 a puppy?? No vet check, no altering included. That is not what real rescues do. Give ME a break.

M:Grow up will you OK enough you are so sad i can get if i needed to 100's of letter form people which i don't need to because you are only mad about money once again if i were a breeder a pet store and animals service they would say sorry just like i did and no receipt look at your contract you guys are so fucken sad i never said they were vetted i said they were vetted i said you had ten days to vet them and if you any any problems i gave you my vet card to meet me there ..grow up and listen
I have a copy of everything which i would be happy to foward to any one who like to see it..

N:Your lies get deeper and deeper as the days go on! So you SELL some puppies to happy homes and just by luck nothing goes wrong. You are a puppy broker! You take from somewhere and resell them. The question is: Where are you getting all of these puppies from? Puppymills?? This is a business for you, not done for the love of animals. What costs did you rack up that you wanted $350 for a puppy?? Apparently it is rare to rescue one, let alone several puppies under 8 weeks. However, it seems this is what you seem to be rescuing all of the time. A little shady if you ask me. I would never buy from a dog store, since they get their dogs from puppy mills. However, it seems like I probably got two from puppy mills straight from your house! You put on a good act, or so you think.... You insinuated/said they were vetted. Are you even allowed to give vaccinations yourself?? What if a puppy has an allergic reaction? You don't drive, so what if they needed medical attention? That is an unsafe home if you ask me!


  1. OK - This is NOT what you will want to hear but...
    I have personally adopted my 2 dogs and 1 cat from Melita and cannot believe all the slander that is said about her. She is one of the most compassionate people towards dogs & cats that I have EVER met. All my animals were vet checked (papers and all) and I personally bumped into Melita at her vets while I was there. There is NO guarantee no matter WHERE you adopt an animal from. She indicated that you had 10 days to get the puppies vet checked as her driver's arm was broken (something to that effect).I called Melita with a concern over a YEAR later when I was having behavioral problems with one of my dogs. She immediately assisted me and my dog is once again a PRINCE (went through the terrible teens.

    I was probably one of the first people to literally BEG Melita to adopt a dog that was going to be put down in Ohio (I found the dog on a website and it broke my heart)..I am so thankful that she did take that hound dog as it now has a wonderful home.

    So her house may not be the CLEANEST but have you seen her interact with all the animals? SHE LOVES those animals and will accept any animal that is in need. What is so horrible about that? She has had people LIE about the dogs when she gets them. She can only take what the people tell her as being the truth.

    I know for a fact that she spends many, many $$ of her own when one of her animals are sick. It breaks her heart.

    I know that my WONDERFUL experiences with Melita will not erase the negative feelings and experience you have had but I really wanted to share my good experiences.....

    I am truly, truly sorry that your puppies got sick (that is heart breaking) and am happy that they are OK now.

    Obviously, you do not agree with me but I personally think Melita is awesome and would recommend her to anyone (and I have)..

  2. well, well we are only hurting the animals...
    I went to Melita to see for myself..I was expecting a big stinky mess. I was amazed, how well care for the dogs and cats where ALL the animals have great body wieght. all are feed Royal caine, all had water. clean blankets, clean litter boxes and full food dishes, alot of free play for the dogs ,large fenced yard,the dogs are not caged in small crates.
    I think people are just being nasty.
    If she didnt take in these animals they would be dead.
    so if you dont believe me go to her house anytime see for yourself.. dont call 1st Just show up like I did
    then you can post LIKE I DID!

  3. If she didn't take these animals, she would be in the poor house. Since this is her only "job" and she charges around $300 per dog...nice 'adoption fee', yeahhh not trying to make profit at all! And why does she always have an unusually high number of puppies for adoption when it is rare that an adoption gets them in???

    Of course her house was so well set up, she has been investigated by SPCA Durham and Animal Control (in Feb. 2009 and before that time)! She has to watch her back at this point!

    Think about it : $300 per puppie. Adopt out just one puppie each week and you are making some sweet income (add onto that the government assistance you get). And she claims she "finds" many of these animals on the, is Oshawa really full of stray cute little puppies???

    Anyways, she has a warrant out for her arrest on animal cruelty charges in NY State. FACT.
    Someone like her should never be able to even touch an animal because of that.
    Would you let a person with an arrest warrant on child abuse charges around children?

    SHE HAS BEEN TAKEN OFF OF PETFINDER.COM her main source for "adopting" out pets! Now she has had to resort to her own person website up...where pathetically enough she has links to and petsmart, who don't want to work with her anymore!

    Get a real job Melita!

  4. Jane, if you just showed and and looked around (which I know for a fact Melita never lets anyone do), show us the proof of what you say- put up some pictures???

    Her friends/daughters always post stuff up on the net pretending to be other people defending her...sad sad

  5. I found this thread being angry about the state my dog was in when I got her even though she's fine now. $19,000 later, she's fine. Melita is a horrible woman, driving by her house I would have kept going if she had not being standing on the side porch with my dog, now called Roxy. She called her Putz. Classy. When I saw my dog, whose picture I had fallen in love with I just couldn't pass her by.
    Melita is an idiot, she sold me a Belgian Malinios for $250.00 They go for a lot more that that, but obviously she has no clue about dog breeds.
    For whoever put this page up, thank you. My dog plays with our neighbours retired k9 dogs so maybe Melita, or whatever she goes by now at least has the attention of the police in my neighbourhood.

  6. Sorry, I forgot to mention about the paperwork from the vet in Claremont that she gave me...the vet there had never seen my dog, and never signed her papers. If you can rescue a dog from this person, and you have the money to save it then go for it. The dogs shouldn't suffer for what she does.

  7. "Melita is an idiot, she sold me a Belgian Malinios for $250.00 They go for a lot more that that, but obviously she has no clue about dog breeds."

    No you are the idiot, but you made a great point not knowing what you were really saying.
