Sunday, February 19, 2012

Arrest Warrant-Here it is!

A concerned individual subsequently decided to obtain documents about an actual arrest to officially put any doubt to rest. The general public is permitted access because they are considered public information. So here they are....

Here is an estimated round of math. 15 minutes for the officer to arrive on scene, speak to the witness and call in to dispatch to explain the situation.

2. 15 minutes for SPCA investigator Blanchard to get to the scene

3. 10 minutes to enter Walmart, page the vehicle owners, then return to the vehicle in parking lot.

That is a total of 40 minutes that these dogs were left in the searing heat!

Let's do another round of math:

14 already vetted puppies/dogs x $300(the approximate "adoption fee")=$4200!!

Considering we have enough of a pet population problem here in Canada, is it really necessary to all the way to these different states to get dogs?

One reason for doing so is that many of the dogs from these shelters are already vetted and vaccinated. Some may charge a small adoption fee, while others may not. The potential profit off of these dogs is huge.

The second reason for going to New York, Ohio etc would be due to the fact that some other shelters or rescues in various parts of Ontario/Quebec will only surrender dogs to certain rescues.

Note: The volunteer at the shelter admitted that the vet had forgotten to sign the documents. As for the altering of the breed of one of the dogs, I cannot adequately comment.

As you can see in the document, the perpetrators were supposed to return to court on July 25th. This warrant is considered outstanding because they failed to do so.

Hot cars are death traps for dogs

Five reasons not to leave your dog in the car this summer, even for "just a minute"

SACRAMENTO, CA (May 18, 2010) – RedRover is imploring pet owners to avoid leaving their dogs in hot cars this summer – a practice that can lead to serious illness and even death.

Taken from "":

Leaving a dog in a hot car is dangerous and often deadly.

“Often people leave their dogs in the car while they shop or run errands, but doing so when the weather is warm can literally be a death sentence for your pet,” said RedRover President and CEO Nicole Forsyth.Forsyth offered five reasons why leaving a dog in a hot car can be deadly:

1. Dogs are especially vulnerable to heat-related illness because they can only cool off by panting and through the pads in their feet.

2. Even on seemingly mild days, an enclosed car can be deadly. In a Stanford University study, when it was 72 degrees outside, a car’s internal temperature climbed to 116 degrees within one hour.

3. Enclosed cars heat up quickly. In a study by San Francisco State University, when it was 80 degrees outside, the temperature inside a car rose to 99 degrees in 10 minutes and 109 degrees in 20 minutes.

4. A dog’s normal body temperature is between 101 to 102.5 degrees; a dog can only withstand a high body temperature for a short time before suffering nerve damage, heart problems, liver damage, brain damage or even death.

5. Studies show that cracking the windows has little effect on a car’s internal temperature.

Already this year, RedRover has received reports of dogs like Snuggle, a Maltese/Lhasa Apso who was locked in a car while her owner visited a Tampa, Florida amusement park. When Snuggle was rescued, the temperature inside the car was more than 90 degrees and her core temperature was nearly 106 degrees.


What happens to dogs left in hot cars?

•Exposure to excessive heat causes the body’s cells to stop working properly and release dangerous chemicals, which can lead to nerve damage, heart problems, liver damage, brain damage and even death. Essentially, all of the dog’s organ systems shut down at once.

•Signs a dog is suffering from a heat-related illness include:

•Excessive panting
•Excessive drooling
•Increased heart rate
•Trouble breathing
•Collapse or loss of consciousness
•Respiratory arrest