Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Threats & Police Report Filed by Melita

January 12, 2009 9:16:27 PM
LISTEN if i heard any more crap from you i will have you charged with slander by the police i have all your info just remember that ..myself and my lawyer will be notifying you and i will remove those puppies because you are of course it seems not stable home that seems to be my biggest mistake read your contract if i feel the pups are unsafe which I am beging too. get over it .all ready the animal service cleared me other pups and animal are fine now if i hear any more from rescue with you talking your crap i will take further action Your pups are fine too enjoy them or give them back..

January 20, 2009 11:06:48 PM
yes all this lady is mad about is her money and they were scared because i had them less then 24 hours and windows boarded up news to me and no water give me a fucken break..

January 20, 2009 11:11:19 PM
Grow up will you OK enough you are so sad i can get if i needed to 100's of letter form people which i don't need to because you are only mad about money once again if i were a breeder a pet store and animals service they would say sorry just like i did and no receipt look at your contract you guys are so fucken sad i never said they were vetted i said they were vetted i said you had ten days to vet them and if you any any problems i gave you my vet card to meet me there ..grow up and listen
I have a copy of everything which i would be happy to foward to any one who like to see it..

Melita Farrugia
February 16 at 3:18pm
this is enough you signed a contract you did not return your dogs for vetting you never wanted money so you now you are doing drive buys that is fine tomorrow i will go to the police and show all the threats against my home and dogs..This shit stops now and by the way if i had a warrant what was i just in..New york and also you have a contract and you people can all complain all you want the animal service came in a cleared me this is not about money it is about you why don't you just be happy your dogs are well and next time read your contract why don't you post it so people can see that I'm not wrong you are and all my dogs are far from sick..this is my home i have reported you to face book and you will be looked in too..

Melita then writes from her alias account on Facebook.

February 16 at 10:34pm
Thank for all the updates got all i need for the police and layer tomorrow empty threats my ass..this will stop you will can not give my private info to the world it is against you and your group it is slander and threatening and drive by police say NO NO..i have all your info to shall i post it ????

February 18th, 2009:

Melita files a police report with Durham Regional Force against me. I get a phone message from an officer indicating that a woman complained that she was concerned about me posting her address on the internet.

Hmmm....was difficult to narrow down who that might be:)

There was absolutely nothing that came out of this, as I had never posted her address on the internet. It just shows what desperate type of lengths Melita will go to in order to attempt to get her way!

Melita Farrugia
February 26 at 2:21pm
cant be true i was there less then two weeks .I have family there so why am i not in Jail????again i can own dogs no one says i can not..thank you for your thoughts.Oh don't forget to post it .. people are still adopting and visiting my home get your information right ..


  1. Nice spelling and grammar on her.

    Sounds like she is trying to intimidate you yet if she has done nothing wrong what is she worried about!

  2. She loves to let the threats fly in order to scare people off. It has worked with some I have talked to, but not me!

  3. Is she still adopting out pets? I hope you close her down - the dogs are crated at her house in Oshawa. It gives a bad name to those organizations that actually care.

  4. I adopted a dog from her too. I hope that at least one government department closes her down.... all she is just another puppy mill producer in the end. Importing dogs should be against the law - I thought there was something odd about the place when I looked in the window and saw all these dogs crated in the basement. Anyways hang tough, you sound like a caring person and you have the best interest of the dogs at heart. I am disappointed that she continues to sell dogs.

  5. How is it that a place like the T.O. Humane Society gets raided, but Melita's place can't?? Sick, pent up or traumatized animals suffering....I see a common theme here!

  6. oh once again to bad about you and your little followers cant shut down someone for doing nothing people need to get anoter group to join..once again where is your dogs ..????

  7. I would love to see that basement with all of those dogs cooped up in there!
    And I wouldn't be surprised if she IS breeding dogs (or at least getting them from breeders). Nothing she does is shocking anymore!
